The Clark County Republican Women (and men!) is one of the largest clubs in Washington State. We are SERIOUS BUSINESS AND SERIOUS FUN! Join before December 31, 2024 and you will be entered into a drawing for a CASH prize! AND, your membership will be active all the way to December 31, 2025! 🎉
*Photos are from our recent event: 3rd Annual SALUTE TO VETERANS
3rd Annual SALUTE TO VETERANS Photos
High Bar for Excellence Set by the Clark County GOP
The Clark County Republican Central Committee Precinct Officers met on August 12th for their 3rd quarter business meeting. Forty-six CCRW members, including four members of the CCRW Executive Board of Directors, also serve as elected or appointed Precinct Committee Officers of the CCRCC and the State Committeewoman and Chairman of the Republican Executive Board are also CCRW members.
Part of the CCRW mission statement is to partnership with the CCRCC to elect Republicans and advance Republican principles.
Included in the exciting and informative meeting was a virtual "high five" from Jim Walsh, Chairman of the Washington State Republican Party. Chairman Walsh gave a shout out to this "all volunteer" organization of hard-working patriots!!
Liz Cline highlights CCRW and reads information on candidate for Washington Treasurer - Sharon Hanek
President of CCRW, Liz Cline highlights Clark County Republican Women and presents information on Sharon Hanek, candidate for Washington Treasurer.
Notice increased
✨Body awareness
The 3-Dimensional movement of the horse provides consistent and rhythmic proprioceptive and vestibular input (internal sensory systems that contribute to your ability to navigate your world, and know where your body is in space). When working on building strength, endurance and overall functional mobility to be able to dance, participate in school plays, and other things you love to do- placing your body in the optimal spot to do hard things (think building muscle memory or errorless learning), is the horse’s speciality…thanks to the input they provide! That’s what you see here! A jump in overall nervous system organization (thanks to sensory input) provides a better opportunity for the body to learn and have success!
Justice Speaks!
Enjoy the Video slideshow from our recent event held on 2/1/24 “Justice Speaks” featuring keynote speakers: Tracy Tribbett • Pacific Justice Institute
And Pete Serrano • Silent Majority Foundation.
