Brad Klippert served for over three decades in United States military,as well as 25 years in local law enforcement.His previous work in the Washington State Legislature shows that he loves the State of Washington and its people, and he is willing to fight for our families.
Brad values service to God, his family, our country, and his community.He believes in upholding individual rights, given by God and enshrined in the United States and Washington State Constitutions.The purpose of government is to protect life, liberty, and property, and interfere with individual actions as minimally as necessary to ensure that protection.
He believes in the importance of the family in terms of a child’s education and supports the right of parents to make the ultimate decision. He supports the choice of charter schools, homeschooling, private, and public schools.Childhood education, especially in public schools, should focus on the basics such as reading, writing, mathematics, and true history. This will provide the necessary knowledge and skills to ensure children will be prepared to become productive members of society. Public education is no place for the introduction or promotion of sexual behaviors and/or alternative lifestyles,as parents should be the decision makers as to this type of discussion with their children.School funding should be based on the children and their needs, not on the administration.He does not believe in federal authority over state-run public education.
He has worked hard throughout his career to improve the state’s criminal justice system, largely because he believes in the equality of all people. Justice is something that should be applied fairly,regardless of age, race, sex, religion,political affiliation,or economic status. This equality under the law extends to elected officials, who should also be held accountable to the same standards as his or her constituents.He believes that the best way to deter crime is to enact swift and certain punishment, complete with restitution for the victim and follow through with offender restoration.
Legislators should be fiscally responsible and able to balance state and local budgets without raising taxes, which can be more easily